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Full price :  7

Reduced price :  6

(13-18 years old, +65 years old, students, job seekers, disabled persons, press, partners)

Kids 8-12 years old : 4€

Under 8 years old :  Free

Year pass (valid for 12 months):  21€

Groups over 10 people: 6€/person

Escape Game Pandor'art experience (IN FRENCH ONLY):  18€ per person (entries included)

Playful visit (a book with riddles IN FRENCH ONLY) : 18€ for the book (entries not included)

Accepted means of payment: credit card, cash, holiday cheques, cheque (50€ max).

Capture d’écran 2022-10-17 à 11.23.08.png

Opening days and hours

The museum is open all year round.

Opening times change depending on the season and school holidays

Download the annual schedule below (*):

Open every day from April to October

Annual timetables (*)

(*) Editable schedule depending on current health restrictions

Message envoyé. Nous y répondrons dans les plus brefs délais.

Contact details

Contact form

Naia Museum

14 rue du Château​

​56220 Rochefort-en-Terre

Tel: 07 76 69 36 51


Coming to Naia Museum

Where to park to get to the Museum ?

In high season*, the main street is closed to cars. You must therefore park your vehicle in the parking areas and walk to the Naia Museum.

*During school holidays (Easter - Summer - Christmas) + weekends from April to October


Dogs are allowed to enter the museum on a short lead.
We only allow one dog at a time, so if a dog is already inside, we will ask you to wait until their owner have finished visiting


To see / do around the Museum

Other places to see

Arthurian Imagination Center

Castle of Comper, 56430 Concoret

Come and discover Brocéliande and hear the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. 

Discover the Arthurian imagination and its fantastic monsters in the castle exhibition, facing the lake.

and its surroundings

Rochefort  en Terre place du puit

"Favorite Village of the French" in 2016, Rochefort-en-Terre conceals an exceptional heritage. Medieval city, there are still traces of a castle built in the 12th century.
By radiating around, it is possible to discover the Halles de Questembert (dating from the 17th century), the charming flowered village of La Vraie-Croix, or even La Gacilly, with its craftsmen and its Photo Festival.

Professionnal space

For any request, do not hesitate to contact us at

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